Eat Clean 4 the Holidays

Course Summary

 As the holidays get closer, you feel an overwhelming feeling of joy knowing what they bring. You will get to spend more time with your family, hopefully be able to take some time off work, and participate in your annual traditions that occur around this time. Unfortunately, another thing that tends to happen every year during the holiday season is dealing with weight gain.
Not this year!
I've provided you with all the tools you need to make your way through the holidays avoiding all your normal pit-falls and ... if you do over indulge, I've given you a quick and easy RESET as a bonus.
Enjoy the season without the worry. I've got your back. 

Course Curriculum

Wendy Humphris

CEO/Founder of Nutritional Solutions

Holistic Nutritional Consultant, Functional Nutritionist, Live Blood Analyst, Yoga Instructor, Retired Nurse

Course Pricing

Eat Clean 4 the Holidays

